Is there a way to get a specific  "connection" icon on taskbar?
Hello,I have a fairly slow, unreliable connection to the Internet so I like to have an icon on the taskbar which shows me that I am connected and also shows when I am transferring data over the connection. That way I know if something is just taking a long time as opposed to not doing anything. In previous versions, up to XP anyway, there was a check box on connection's property page which would do this. I cannot find it in Win7. Is it in a different place or gone altogether?I have an icon labelelled "Network" on the taskbar now but it doesn't do this. If I click on it it takes me to the network and sharing center where I can select a connection and eventually get to where I would have expected to find the aforementioned checkbox in previous versions of Windows. Thanks or your help.
February 28th, 2009 7:08pm

I use a Network Meter sidebar gadget to do just that.CS
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March 1st, 2009 9:05am

For some reason or another, Microsoft believes that everyone is on a high-speed, broadband connection. You may need to use a desktop gadget such as this.
March 2nd, 2009 6:15am

Thanks for the link. I will try it out.
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March 3rd, 2009 1:22am

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